
Lha Bab Düchen

This year, Lha Bab Duchen, the anniversary of Buddha Shakyamuni’s descent from Indra’s heaven, falls on November 22. While he was in Indra’s heaven for three months, the Buddha taught for the benefit of the gods and to repay the kindness of his mother, who’d taken rebirth there.

In observance of this auspicious occasion, we’ll practice Riwo Sangchod and offer tsog in the context of Mipham Rinpoche’s Shower of Blessings. We warmly invite you to join us for this vast accumulation of merit and one-pointed dedication so that we may pacify the causes of suffering and support the awakening of all beings.

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to Nov 21

H.H. Getse Rinpoche’s Parinirvana

Please join us for the 6th anniversary of the parinirvana of the great master, H. H. Getse Rinpoche. Parinirvana refers to a realized master’s passing from this life. Join us via Zoom or in person for practice that supports and strengthens our interdependence with Getse Rinpoche’s emanations and activity through an intensive gathering of merit and wisdom and the purification of obscurations and broken commitments.

In the morning session, we’ll practice Staircase to Liberation, the Vajrapani Guru Yoga practice composed by H.H. Getse Rinpoche. In the afternoon session, we’ll practice Mipham Rinpoche’s Shower of Blessings with tsog offerings and Riwo Sangchod.

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to Nov 17

H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche’s Parinirvana

November 17th marks the 22nd anniversary of the parinirvana of H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, the spiritual founder and heart of Iron Knot Ranch. Parinirvana refers to a great master’s passing from this life. Join us on Zoom or in person for practice that supports and strengthens our interdependence with Chagdud Rinpoche’s emanations and activity through an intensive gathering of merit and wisdom and the purification of obscurations and broken commitments. We’ll accumulate 100,000 tsog offerings in the context of the concise English practice of Red Tara: An Open Door to Bliss and Ultimate Awareness. Empowerment isn’t required for participation in the practice. We’ll also offer Riwo Sangchod daily.

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to Nov 3

U.S. Election Weekend Practice Retreat

Increasingly, we’ve seen obstacles and disharmony surrounding the election of leaders in our schools, towns, cities, states, and nations around the world. Though the state of our world might cause us to feel discouragement, now more than ever, it’s important not to indulge it but to bring the teachings into our daily lives for the benefit of ourselves and all others. There’s always something we can do.

This year, we’re offering a practice retreat to quell obstacles to the elections and promote auspicious interdependence. Please join us in person or by zoom. For those of you who can join us at the ranch, November 2 and 3 are auspicious days to hang prayer flags so we'll be hanging flags as well.

Retreat Schedule

November 2

Vajrakilaya mantra session        9:00 a.m. MDT

Tendrel Nyesel with tsog           2:00 p.m. MDT

Riwo Sangchod                          5:30 p.m. MDT

November 3

(please note Mountain Savings Time begins)

Red Tara tsog accumulations    9:00 a.m. MST

 Vajrakilaya mantra session        10:30 a.m. MST

Tendrel Nyesel with tsog            3:00 p.m. MST

Riwo Sangchod                          5:30 p.m. MST

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to Oct 13

Bodhisattva Peace Training

For the power of peace to touch every person, community and nation on this earth, it must radiate out from a profound peace within our own minds.

The Bodhisattva Peace Training is a weekend retreat, developed by Tibetan meditation master H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, to introduce people from all religions and walks of life to the profound methods of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition for awakening the wisdom and compassion inherent in each of us. Cultivating these positive qualities—the basis of enduring peace—is now more important than ever.

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Winter Retreat
to Feb 24

Winter Retreat

Iron Knot Ranch staff and guests spend several months of the year in silent retreat. Winter retreat runs from December 5th until Chötrul Düchen.

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to Dec 4

Vajrakilaya Retreat

From December 1 through December 4, Iron Knot Ranch will undertake a 24-hour, three-day Vajrakilaya mantra recitation in the context of the practice of Vajrakilaya Pudri Reg Phung, The Razor That Destroys at a Touch, a mind treasure of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche. Vajrakilaya practice is an extremely powerful means to remove obstacles to health, longevity, activity, spiritual practice, and, ultimately, to realization of enlightenment.       

You’re welcome to join us through zoom or in person at any time of the day or night, as your schedule permits, from 8 a.m. December 1 through the morning of December 4.

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5th Anniversary of H.H. Getse Rinpoche’s Parinirvana
to Nov 21

5th Anniversary of H.H. Getse Rinpoche’s Parinirvana

Please join us for the 5th anniversary of the parinirvana of the great master, H. H. Getse Rinpoche. Parinirvana refers to a realized master’s passing from this life. Join us via Zoom or in person for practice that supports and strengthens our interdependence with Getse Rinpoche’s emanations and activity through an intensive gathering of merit and wisdom and the purification of obscurations and broken commitments.

In the morning session, we’ll practice Staircase to Liberation, the Vajrapani Guru Yoga practice composed by H.H. Getse Rinpoche. In the afternoon session, we’ll practice Mipham Rinpoche’s Shower of Blessings with tsog offerings and Riwo Sangchod.

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21st Anniversary Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche’s Parinirvana
to Nov 17

21st Anniversary Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche’s Parinirvana

November 17th marks the 21st anniversary of the parinirvana of H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, the spiritual founder and heart of Iron Knot Ranch. Parinirvana refers to a great master’s passing from this life. Join us on Zoom or in person for practice that supports and strengthens our interdependence with Chagdud Rinpoche’s emanations and activity through an intensive gathering of merit and wisdom and the purification of obscurations and broken commitments. We’ll accumulate 100,000 tsog offerings in the context of the concise English practice of Red Tara: An Open Door to Bliss and Ultimate Awareness. Empowerment isn’t required for participation in the practice.

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