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U.S. Election Weekend Practice Retreat

Increasingly, we’ve seen obstacles and disharmony surrounding the election of leaders in our schools, towns, cities, states, and nations around the world. Though the state of our world might cause us to feel discouragement, now more than ever, it’s important not to indulge it but to bring the teachings into our daily lives for the benefit of ourselves and all others. There’s always something we can do.

This year, we’re offering a practice retreat to quell obstacles to the elections and promote auspicious interdependence. Please join us in person or by zoom. For those of you who can join us at the ranch, November 2 and 3 are auspicious days to hang prayer flags so we'll be hanging flags as well.

Retreat Schedule

November 2

Vajrakilaya mantra session        9:00 a.m. MDT

Tendrel Nyesel with tsog           2:00 p.m. MDT

Riwo Sangchod                          5:30 p.m. MDT

November 3

(please note Mountain Savings Time begins)

Red Tara tsog accumulations    9:00 a.m. MST

 Vajrakilaya mantra session        10:30 a.m. MST

Tendrel Nyesel with tsog            3:00 p.m. MST

Riwo Sangchod                          5:30 p.m. MST

October 11

Bodhisattva Peace Training

November 14

H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche’s Parinirvana